
Improving and streamlining the reporting process of business expenses.

User research

User tests



Improving and streamlining the reporting process of business expenses.

User research

User tests



Improving and streamlining the reporting process of business expenses.

User research

User tests



Product Designer


2 weeks (2023)


Discovery + Delivery


Figma, Notion, Google suite


What is Jump?

Launched in 2020, Jump aims to make freelancers' life easier by taking out the administrative hurdles out of the equation. Freelancers are legally employed by Jump and deal with all their day-to-day admin on their platform, while continuing to choose how and with whom they work.

This means they get the best of both worlds, the freedom of being freelancers and the security (and benefits) of being an employee.

It's one of the largest music streaming service providers, with over 489 million monthly active users, including 205 million paying subscribers.

It's particularly popular among young people.

Why did I choose this project?

In the context of my Product Design bootcamp with the Design Crew, Product Designers from Jump came to pitch us a real-life problem they are currently facing.

They observed that most of their users had difficulty submitting their professional expenses claims an/or did it at the last minute. As a result, this tends to lead to mistakes or unfiled claims, and a loss of tax deduction.


For this project, we covered the full-scope of the product design process. User tests were especially crucial to identifying problems with our V1 solution.

For this project, we only focused on delivery.

The problem to be tackled had been clearly identified beforehand and concerts tickets selling represent a clear market opportunity for Spotify.


User research

Understanding the habits, motivations and opinions of our users.



Getting inspired by competing and related services.



Generating many ideas and choosing the best ones.



It's time for our solutions to come to life.


User tests

Getting feedback from our users on our solutions.



Fixing the issues and preparing for handoff.

About my role

'I was involved in every step of the design process, with a particular focus on UI design and user tests.'


To better understand the problem we are trying to solve and the motivations of our users, we conducted qualitative user research.


  1. Motivations & familiarity

Understanding the motivations and familiarity of freelancers regarding the submitting of professional expense claims.

  1. Daily life and habits

Understanding how dealing with expense claims fits into the daily life of freelancers.

Test parameters

Semi-directive interviews


Via Google Meet

5 men / 1 woman

6 testers

🧠 What we learned


How do you make it easier for freelancers to upload receipts and automate the entry of business expenses as much as possible?




Decrease the number of customer service tickets related to mistakes in business expense entry.


Last day

Decrease the number of business expense reports done on the last day of the month.


Reduce the time spent by freelancers submitting professional expenses.



Increase usage of the Jump mobile responsible website.


We came up with many ideas, some more realistic than others. Ultimately we chose the ones that we were sure would add value and would not be hard to implement.

We came up with many ideas. Some more realistic than others and some easier to test than others.

Ultimately we chose the ones that fit the scope of the project best.

We chose to discard some ideas because they would be too difficult to implement (reputational risks for Jump if they give inaccurate information) and others because they did not add a lot of value. We also merged some ideas together.

The real challenge was to decide what to keep and what to discard.

Some were too difficult to test without creating bias during the tests. Others were not critical for an MVP.

🤟 What we kept

Quick actions button

Receipts info scrapping

Finish later option

Recurring expenses

🗑️ What we didn't keep

A storage system for receipts

Donating devices when the price is too low

More information on why report business expenses

Which concerts friends are attending

Which concerts friends are attending

A live breakdown of tax benefits to be gained

Which concerts friends are attending

Which concerts friends are attending


In order to come up with the design of our solutions, we took inspirations from other apps tailored for freelancers as well as other services with interesting features.


-> A great example of a banking app for freelancers with an expense claim feature.

Google calendar

-> A simple way to handle recurring events.


-> An expense claim app for employees with automatic scrapping of information.


Whenever possible, we tried to work with Figma components and styles to make the process of iterating after the user tests much easier.

An excerpt of our Design System

Jump is still a somewhat young startup, which means that not all current UX issues can be addressed at once. As a result, we had to accept some limitations to this project and find some workarounds.

Our V1

A quick action button

Part of the complexity of working on Jump is that some of their users find it difficult to navigate the platform, especially to locate where business claims are nested.

In order to make their life easier, we created a large hovering button to reach quick actions on the go.

Automatic scrapping of information

Automatic scrapping of information

Filling out business expense claims is a tedious and low value process, especially when freelancers have many to do.

We designed a feature that automatically scraps information by taking a picture of a receipt and fills the expense claim. It relies on optical character recognition (OCR) technology.

Filling out business expense claims is a tedious and low value process, especially when freelancers have many to do.

We designed a feature that automatically scraps information by taking a picture of a receipt and fills the expense claim. It relies on optical character recognition (OCR) technology.

Reccuring expense claims

Many freelancers have regular expenses that are recurring every month, trimester or year (software, subscription, rent, etc.). It's a waste of their time having to fill the same information every time.

We created a feature that automatically generates a new expense claim on the recurring time frame specified. All user have to do is add the new receipt every time.

Finish later & drafts

Finish later & drafts

Sometimes users are pressed for time and can't afford to fill out their expense claim completely. However, some of them might also be worried of losing their receipts and ending up being unable to submit their claims at all.

Thanks to our new finish later feature, users are able to pause the process at any point and come back to it later.

Sometimes users are pressed for time and can't afford to fill out their expense claim completely. However, some of them might also be worried of losing their receipts and ending up being unable to submit their claims at all.

Thanks to our new finish later feature, users are able to pause the process at any point and come back to it later.


To deliver a successful solution and create a great user experience, we performed a series of user tests.


  1. Automatic scrapping

Observe the path taken intuitively by users to create a business expense claim (automatic scrapping by taking a picture of a receipt or not).

  1. Drafts

Test if users understand how the draft feature works and if they find it useful.

  1. Recurring claims

Test if users understand how the 'recurring claims' feature works and if they find it useful.

Test parameters

Semi-directive interviews


Via Google Meet

5 men / 1 woman

6 testers

✅ What worked

⛔ What didn't work


Time to sit back and enjoy the show.


The iteration process is a major part of the job of Product Designers. It's much easier to do with an organised design file, not only for ourselves and other designers on the team, but also for developers.

The iteration process is a major part of the job of Product Designer.

That's much easier to do with an organised design file, for ourselves, potential other designers, and of course, developers.

Our figma file


Although the tasks below exceed the scope of the original project, it would have been worthwhile to explore them given more time.


More tests

After our first series of test, we improved our solution. It would be useful to now test those iterations.



Organise a session with PMs and developers to make sure everyone is up to date regarding the project.



Double check once again that our design files are organised and documented.

Lets collab

Got a project? Lets talk

© Victor Cartier 2023.

© Victor Cartier 2023.

© Victor Cartier 2023.